Sunday, June 29, 2008

Random thoughts...

I had dinner with the ladies from The View instead.

...about how yesterday I and my BFF Jean aka Jea where supposed to go out for dinner. But none of us really felt like going out for dinner. So we both decided that we should instead be “good girls” and clean our home workspaces. We had phone contact and gave each other great speeches of encouragement. The only thing is that she always started her calls with
– back away from the computer and get your lazy bum of the chair and start cleaning.
How she knew I will never know!!!

I am a “good girl” and I took the task to heart with great seriousness and I really did my best. I really did, scouts honour (making finger sign as I type). Oh it looks so nice and tidy. It is all so clean and super organized. Jean would be proud of me.....

Or is it so that I am just being a big fat lazy liar....? I really had the intent to clean and organize but I was so hungry I had to go and buy some food (didn’t cook it myself since that would make an additional mess). I got very sleepy from eating all that food, so after the food intake I had to eat some (crazy amount of) candy to get the energy level back on top. But that brilliant idea backfired and I tried to self medicate with a drink some call soda. Then I did what Dr Mcoldie would have said to me at a time like this “You must rest when and if you feel fatigue”. So then I had to lie down and meditated on the sofa and for a minute. You just don’t go against Dr’s orders. I reached a place of total calmness and the resting aura (if there is such a word) around me was so deep it almost felt like I was sleeping....

Oh and yes I punched a lot of flowers after my meditation:) So I was not a total lazy little girl.

Oh well I will end this post with a quote from my dear friend Scarlett ”Tomorrow is another day” since today is a day of rest...

1 comment:

Heather said...

I got my day of rest confused with yesterday. Took a very looonnngg nap yesterday, so now I'm 'playing' today.

Have a great Sunday!