Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Random thoughts...

Finally!!! (posted 090331)

Having problems with my pictures again!!! See the LO here if you want: http://www.scrapinstyletv.com/portfolio/view_layout.php?layout_id=163147&user_id=2759

...about my LO for week #115. And ooops I forgot to put the date on the date journalingspot :) The journaling reads; They say real hapiness comes from within... But sometimes I have to fly away in my imagination to be able to come back and land back in my within. I also have the “somewhere over the rainbow” lyrics on it :) If you want to take part in this weeks challenge go here :http: Color Combos Galore

Over and Out

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Random thoughts...

...about scrapbooking 101...my LOfor week #114 over at CCG. This is a picture taken at my mums house of the girls scrapbooking. As usual I have been having problems posting my Pic here on Blogger and as usual I am to tired to blog. This is starting to get on my nerves...smile lillsiss smile life is just cupcakes and fluffy pink clouds, nothing is bad...

Note To Self; Ya whatever.....

New Note To Self; Look at the LO and yes this is what life is all about! Love you!!!

Over and Out
Have a fantastic rest of the week!!!

If you want to take part in this weeks challenge or just say cograts to the new girls go here; Color Combos Galore

I am staying on the team for another year. I am so happy that Janet is happy with my work :) THANK YOU miss J!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Random thoughts...

...about me...and my DTLO for CCG.

And I want to say a big CONGRATS to all the new girls on the CCG DT!!!

If you want to take part in this weeks challenge or just say cograts to the new girls go here; Color Combos Galore

Over and out

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Yay it worked (a week later!!!).
Happy B-day Chi chi!!! I am trying to post your card :)
But Blogger isen't letting me :(

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Random thoughts...

Yay it finally worked!!! (a week later!!!) :)

...about how I am having problems posting my pics again! Or about my lonely life....or not....I am having a good time here all alone. Working hard all day and scraping at night. And seriously thanking my lucky stars for Skype :)

My LO for week #112 over at CCG. If you want to take part in this weeks challenge go here; Color Combos Galore