Saturday, May 30, 2009

Random thoughts...

...about my LO's for week#124 over at CCG. 
An LO with pic from last weekend. Wonder what fun this weekend will bring :)
Have a great week ya'll!!!
If you want to take part in this weeks challenge go here;  Color Combos Galore

Over and out

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Random thoughts...

Keeping it real, Week#123
Little str, Week#122

...about my LO's for CCG. The thoughts are "gone fishing"...

Have a great week!!!
If you want to take part in this weeks challenge;
Color Combos Galore

Over and out

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Random thoughts...

...about my LO for week#121 over at CCG.
I made another digi. I am not sure about this one, it is not really good. I have been helping Bob aka mr Moustache all weekend. And I didn’t bring my PC so I had to use his Mac and freebies that I found on the internet. I made the LO on and then I played around with it in Photoshop Elements.
The only thing I really like on this LO is the theme of the LO and the pictures :) The pictures where taken a few days ago, I, my lillsiss Barbie, Ed and Alli went to a place near the city where there is like a big forest and nature walk trails and a farm, so we could take a look at some farm animals and stuff. They were really cute and all but holy moly they really stink!!! Me and Barbie tried to keep a strait face and not breakdown laughing while the kids where running around frantically screaming poop, pooop, poooop, smells like poop here, POOOP!!!
The combo of this week is really fantastic so I most definitely will use it again, and I will make that one a paper LO!

Have a great week!!!

If you want to take part in this weeks challenge; Color Combos Galore
Over and out