Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Random thoughts...

Sorry for the bad pic, will take a new one when I have time and the sun is out.
Note To Self; the sun will be back in june 2009.

...about how............Eeeeeekkkkkk!!!! I am so tierd today but I have to post this. Hope my text makes sense :) Here is my LO for week #97 over at Color Combos Galore. Journaling reads; I sat patiently in my pj’s with the camera in my hand like a paparazzi and waited. I wanted to take a picture of you when you came back home, after going out in the cold in the middle of the night just to buy us ice cream. You took on this great task all by yourself simply because I had a deadline and was working late and needed some encouragement, and for the most important reason of them all “ we where just dying for some old fashion vanilla flavour ice cream to go with the leftover apple pie that we made the day before”. The LO was supposed to be a two pic one. But the picture of Bob aka Mr Moustache was a bit dark in the colours, it didn’t go with this weeks combo so I decided to only use the picture of the apple pie and ice cream on it instead :) Have a great week!!! And if you want to take part in this weeks challenge go here to the new Color Combos Galore home :)

Over and out

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